We are a church that loves God and loves people.
Our Beliefs
We believe there is only one God who has revealed Himself to us as Father in creation, Son in redemption, and the Holy Spirit in regeneration.
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We accept the Scriptures as the unrivaled truth concerning our faith, lifestyle and doctrine.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is Almighty God who revealed Himself in human form as the Son of God. He lived a sinless life, was crucified on Calvary for our sins, and rose from the dead. Jesus alone is Lord and Savior.
Sin & Salvation
We believe that all have sinned, and that all are in need of salvation. Salvation takes place when we believe and obey the gospel of Jesus Christ, which consists of repentance, water baptism in Jesus Name, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
We believe all have sinned and are called to repentance. Repentance is asking God to forgive us of our sins and is also a change of heart, mind, and direction. It is a commitment to turn away from sin, which are things declared by God and His Word to be wrong.
Water Baptism
We believe water baptism is essential for our salvation and should always be administered by immersion in Jesus Name.
Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s personal presence, and that it is active in the world today. The infilling, or baptism, of the Holy Spirit causes a believer to receive accompanying Gifts and lifestyle characteristics, and is evidenced by speaking in another tongue.
Holy Living
We believe that Holiness is God’s standard of living for His people. As believers, we should always pursue a life of purity and righteousness. Christians are able to achieve Holy Living by following God’s Word and through the Holy Spirit.
The Church
We believe the church is the body of believers in this world called by God to be the light of the world and to reflect God’s love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to all they come in contact with. The mission of the church is to seek the lost and bring them to Jesus so they can be saved.
The Church – Caught Up
We believe Jesus is coming back to take His church out of this world. No one knows the day or the hour this event will take place. When it happens, those who have died serving the Lord and those who are alive will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and so shall they ever be with the Lord.
The Second Coming
We believe in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth and the establishment of His eternal Kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the body, the final judgement and the ultimate victory of the eternal Kingdom of God. This will occur at a date undisclosed by the Scriptures.
Our Values
We put Jesus first in everything we do. He is our example and our everything. Our purpose is His Will.
God loves all people, and so do we. We believe in treating everyone like the child of God that they are.
Our desire is to build strong families, but also to be a strong “church family” for our community.
Giving is the heartbeat of this church. We happily give of our time, talents and treasure to reach our community.
We believe in reaching our diverse community. No matter who you are or what your story is, you are welcome here.
We know that after encountering Jesus, no person remains the same. We are passionate about seeing God transform lives.
Our Leadership

Randy and Elaine Bradley